Month: December 2018

Week 52: Epilogue

Week 52: Epilogue

Epilogue The clock does not know it will continue ticking but we will be gone; the garden will remain in velvety verdance and someone else will tend the plants and trim their wild ambitions; the birds will arrive at dawn waiting for the whistling woman […]

Week 51: Trust

Week 51: Trust

Trust It is hard to trust when fear leaves your mouth bone dry and your tongue lies locked, words departed and only the whispered prayers of childhood run through your mind rote learnt and repeated like mantras of familiarity Out of nowhere I stumble on […]

Week 50: We

Week 50: We

Photo credit: Denise Smith “Way to go”. Follow Denise on Instagram @deniselifeart or on FB Denise Smith (Photo Album – My Streets) — with Denise Smith.


We who were born
to shift the fog
and clear away
old concepts
are finding each other

We the misfits
the lonely, the sad
the ones who ached
to find their belonging
are connecting

We the quiet observers
who desire something
beyond ourselves,
who want meaning
are stumbling across
each other and finding
solid ground

We the storytellers
are finding our voices
the chorus is rising
and the music is good.

© Tanya Southey


Week 49: Love

Week 49: Love

Love When my bones are bleached and brittle from carrying my stories I hope to say I have loved When my skin has sagged, etched with experience and rivulets of tears, both sadness and laughter, have eroded my face I hope to say I have […]