Month: July 2018

Week 30: Vellichor

Week 30: Vellichor

Vellichor The pages are fragile now yellowed and thinned with time but still the stories remain alive and waiting to be read to enter someone else’s life and leave a mark a sigh or second glance even with the faded ink and feathery edges which […]

Week 29: Prayer

Week 29: Prayer

Prayer Perhaps along the way this word became attached to things you lost your belief in perhaps along the way you lost the connection to the divinity that rests within each breath the part that breathes you the higher you that can seek to solve […]

Week 28: Hope

Week 28: Hope


Photo credit: Denise Smith “Coming to Terms”. Follow Denise on Instagram @deniselifeart or on FB Denise Smith (Photo Album – My Streets)


Hope is a bulb
under frozen snow
buried, dormant
far from the sun
it believes
that its shoots
will push through
the darkness
It gets that the soil
though cold and wet
will create the urge
to reach towards
the unseen light
and while it may never
feel the warmth itself
at some point
a flower
will send messages
of confirmation
Hope holds faith’s
hand and believes in love
it sees the stars
instead of the night
it speaks to possibility
it nudges miracles
from sleepy hollows
and waits patiently
for the world to turn

© Tanya Southey

Week 27: Mystery

Week 27: Mystery

Mystery The great unknown is all around us yet we walk around all knowing totally right totally entrenched in our meaning making We are locked in our positions our knowingness our absolute black and white beliefs that shape our days and carve us into the […]

Week 26: Rest

Week 26: Rest

Rest This place of letting go and entering the space of being the great – I am the slipping into slumber the trust that you will return even though you have handed over full control to this unseen force unseen but restorative you yourself hidden […]