Month: February 2018

Week 8 – Permission

Week 8 – Permission

Permission The first cracks of light started on the inside thoughts that rubbed together and created a spark piercing through the dark armour I had been forced to don The cloak the mantle of the good girl the ‘Bless me father for I have sinned’ […]

Week 7: Eternal

Week 7: Eternal

Eternal The owl came last night it’s never been before the sliver of the waning moon hung right above my door the moss had grown beneath the rock you once stood on the gurgling creek still moved along the course it always knew the dragonfly […]

Week 6: Retreat

Week 6: Retreat

Photo credit: Denise Smith “Transported”. Follow Denise on Instagram @deniselifeart or on FB Denise Smith


You were always
to find the pinnacle
the mountain
the river
the ocean
that would
make you
whole again
the elusive source
from which
you sprang

The external
the answer
in a book
in a face of another
and yet
it eluded you


You turned
and took
one simple
inward step

Where the vastness
of the retreat
to your own
fed the parched
desert of your longing

© Tanya Southey


Week 5: Sonder

Week 5: Sonder

Sonder This life I find so big is merely the backdrop of yours prop-like I am drinking a tea while you are in the café deep in life-changing conversation I am the extra in the movie of your traffic jam the one you sat next […]