August – Travel: Destinations


Photo credit: Denise Smith – Made for walking. Follow Denise on Instagram @deniselifeart or on FB Denise Smith (Photo Album – My Streets).

Someone assumed,
given my youth
when I emigrated
that I was fearless

They were not to know
I spent years
calling Australia home,
before I had ever
tasted the water
or witnessed the red sand
crashing like waves
into the blue ocean

Soothing my fear
with the word ‘home’

They would look at me
quizzically and say:
“I had no idea you were Australian.”
and I would laugh and reply
“I am not, but I going to be.”

All destinations
are darkness
until we arrive

The great unknown
by arriving.

Photo credit: Denise Smith – Made for walking. Follow Denise on Instagram @deniselifeart or on FB Denise Smith (Photo Album – My Streets).